Chapter Index

for the chapter about necropsy and sample preservation methods for carcasses or materials found in the wild
in the loris and potto conservation database

Ansell, W. F. H., 1965: Standardisation of field data on mammals. Zoologica Africana 1 (1): 97-113.

AZA (North American) Prosimian Taxon Advisory Group, 2002: Genetic Projects. Project #1. In: North American prosimian taxon advisory group newsletter, http://www.stlzoo.org/content.asp?page_name=Prosimian#B. Seen on 16 June 2002.

Bearder, S. K.; Honess, P. E.; Bayes, M.; Ambrose, L.; Anderson, M., 1996: Assessing galago diversity. A call for help. In: electronic version of African Primates 2 (1), newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Primate Specialist Group, July 1996, http://www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/news/apn2.1.html

Benirschke, K., 2002: Comparative placentation. http://medicine.ucsd.edu/cpa/mac.html. Seen 16 October 2002, last updated 14 October 2002

Charles-Dominique, P., 1971: Éco-éthologie des prosimiens du Gabon. Biol. Gabon 7: 121-228.

Charles-Dominique, P., 1974: Ecology and feeding behaviour of five sympatric lorisids in Gabon. Pp. 131-150 in: Prosimian Biology, R. D. Martin, G. A. Doyle, A. C. Walker (eds.), Duckworth, London.

DES-CASE Europe sarl (import of US industrials products) website, www.jcb-conseils.com/version_anglaise/transfous.html. Seen 29 August 2002.

Downing, S. C., 1945: Color changes in mammal skins during preparation. Journal of Mammalogy 26: 128-132.

Drodz, A., 1975: Analysis of stomach contents of small mammals. Pp. 337-341 in: Grodzinski, W.; Klekowski, R. Z.; Duncan, A. (eds.): Methods for ecological bioenergetics. IBP Handbook 24. Blackwell Scientific, Oxford.

Echsel, H.; Racek, M., 1979: Biologische Präparation: Arbeitsbuch für Interessierte an Instituten und Schulen [Biological preparation - for use at institutes and schools]. 2., überarb. und erw. Aufl. Jugend und Volk, Wien. - 253 S. ISBN 3-7141-5245-8   (German)

GeeJay Chemicals Ltd. (UK supplier of silica gels and molecular sieves, desiccants for preventing moisture damage) website. www.geejaychemicals.co.uk/silicagel.htm.  Seen: 29 August 2002; safety data dated: 01/07/2000

Goonan, P., pers. comm.

Groves, C. P., 2002 in press: Morphology, morphometrics and taxonomy. In: Primate Field Methods, Debbie Curtis, Jo Setchell (eds.).

Hackländer, K.; Sternbach, E.; Frisch, C.; Ruf, T., 2001: Placental scar analysis: a method to determine reproductive history in female mammals. 94. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft. Zoology 104, (Suppl.), 17. Zoology Suppl. IV: 17.

Hangay, G.; Dingley, M., 1985: Biological museum methods. Vol. 1: vertebrates. Academic Press, Sydney [u. a.].  ISBN: 0 12 323301 1

Hladik, C. M., 1979: Diet and ecology in prosimians. Pp. 307-358 in: The Study of Prosimian Behavior, Doyle, G. A.; Martin, R. D. (eds.), Academic Press, New York.

King, J. M.; Dodd, D. C.; Roth, L.; Newson, M. E. (undated): The necropsy book. Charles Louis Davis, DVM Foundation Publishers, Gurnee, USA.

Kraft, W.; Dürr, U. (eds.), 1999: Klinische Labordiagnostik in der Tiermedizin. 5 edition, Schattauer Verlag, Stuttgart, New York.   (German)

Luna, L. G., 1968: Manual of histological staining methods of the armed forces institute of pathology. 3rd ed., New York, McGraw Hill. 258 pp. (Quoted in Nagorsen, Peterson)

Munson, L., 2000: Necropsy procedures for wild animals. With input from: W. B. Karesh, M. F. McEntee, L. J. Lowenstine, M. E. Roelke-Parker, E. Williams and M. H. Woodford; Illustrations by D. Haines). Pp. 203-224 in: Conservation research in the African rain forests: a technical handbook. White, Lee; Edwards, Anne (eds.), Wildlife Conservation Society, New York. ISBN: 0-9632064-4-3 (english), ISBN: 0-9632064-5-1 (french).
Also in: http://www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/whc/Necropsy/TOC.html,  the University of California - Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital's home page, seen: 17.06.02;
also available in Porteguese, French, and Spanish from the Wildlife Conservation Society, see http://wcs.org/

Nagorsen, D. W.; Peterson, R. L., 1980: Mammal collectors´ manual. A guide for collecting, documenting, and preparing mammal specimens for scientific research. Belonging to the unnumbered series: Life Sciences Miscellaneous Publications. Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto. ISBN: 0-88854-255-0 pa.

Osman Hill, W. C., 1953: Primates: Comparative anatomy and taxonomy. Vol. I, Strepsirhini. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh.
Osman Hill, W. C., 1972: Evolutionary Biology of the Primates. Academic Press, London, New York.
Osman Hill, W. C.; Rewell, R. E., 1948: The caecum of primates. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 26, part III, no. 1: 199-256
Parnell, R. J., 2000: Information from animal tracks and trail. Pp. 157-189 in: Conservation research in the African rain forests: a technical handbook. White, Lee; Edwards, Anne (eds.), Wildlife Conservation Society, New York. ISBN: 0-9632064-4-3 (english), ISBN: 0-9632064-5-1 (french).

Piechocki, R., 1986: Makroskopische Präparationstechnik: Leitfaden für das Sammeln, Präparieren und Konservieren. [Macroscopic preparation techniques - a guideline for collection, preparation and preservation]. Fischer, Jena    (German)

Porton, I. (undated): Lemur Locality report. In: AZA Prosimian Taxon Advisory Group Newsletter, http://www.stlzoo.org/content.asp?page_name=Prosimian#B. Seen: 16.06.02

Pschyrembel: Klinisches Wörterbuch, 1994. [Clinical dictionary], 257 edition., Walter de Gruyter, Berlin (German).

Rabinowitz, A.; Hart, J.; White, L., 2000: Information from dead animals and their curation. Pp. 191-201 in: Conservation research in the African rain forests: a technical handbook. White, Lee; Edwards, Anne (eds.), Wildlife Conservation Society, New York. ISBN: 0-9632064-4-3 (english), ISBN: 0-9632064-5-1 (french).

Sanderson, I. T., 1940: The mammals of the north Cameroon forest area. Transactions of the Zoological Society of London 14: 623-725.

Schoon, H.-A., undated lecture manuscript: Anleitung zur Erstellung eines tierärztlichen Sektionsberichtes [How to write a veterinarian necropsy report]. Institute of Veterinary Pathology, Veterinary Academy Leipzig. German, unpublished.

Streicher, U., 2000-2004: unpublished data from work as a veterinarian at the Endangered Primate Rescue Center, Vietnam, including data from:
      Streicher, U., thesis in preparation.

Sumner, F. B., 1926: An analysis of geographic variation in mice of the Peromyscus polionotus group from Florida and Alabama. Journal of Mammalogy 7 (3): 149-184 (+ 4 plates).

Sumner, F. B., 1927: Linear and colorimetric measurements of small mammals. Journal of Mammalogy 8 (3): 177-206.

Sutherland-Smith, M.; Stalis, I.: Review of loris clinical information and pathology data from the San Diego Zoo: 1982 - 1995. In: Fitch-Snyder, H.; Fitch-Snyder, H.; Schulze, H.; Larsson, L. C. et al. (meeting edition published in 1999, update in press): Management of Lorises in captivity. A husbandry manual for Asian Loridae (Nycticebus & Loris spp.). Center for Reproduction of Endangered Species, Zoological Society of San Diego, Box 551, San Diego, CA 92112-0551.

Unpublished data from the breeding colony at Ruhr-University, including data by B. Meier and post mortem reports from animals from this colony by R. Plesker, Paul-Ehrlich-Institut.

Unpublished observations of cooperating breeders

Voigt, C. C.; Faßbender, M; Dehnhard, M; Jewgenow, K.; Schaub, G. A., 2002: Blood-sucking bugs as a non-invasive method of blood sampling for hormonal analysis in behavioural studies. Abstract. Pp. 18-19 in: 95. Jahresversammlung der DZG in Halle 2002, Abstracts Behavioural Biology, pp. 18-19, http://www.dzg2002.uni-halle.de/download/01-abstr.pdf. Seen: 9 September 2002

Williams, O., 1962: A technique for studying microtine food habits. Journal of Mammalogy 43: 365-368.  (Quoted by Nagorsen and Peterson, 1980)

Wobeser, G. A., 1994: Investigation and Management of Disease in Wild Animals. Plenum Press, New York, London. ISBN: 0-306-44703-7.

Wobeser, G. A., 1994 b: Samples, sampling and sample collection. Chapter 7, pp. 87-102 in: Wobeser, G. A.: Investigation and Management of Disease in Wild Animals. Plenum Press, New York, London. ISBN: 0-306-44703-7.

Wobeser, G. A.; Spraker, T. R., 1980: Post-mortem examination. Pp. 89-98 in: Wildlife Management Techniques Manual, 4th edition, S. D. Schemnitz (ed.), The Wildlife Society, Washington, D.C.   ISBN: 0-933564-08-2.

Wobeser, G. A.; Spraker, T. R.; Harms, V. L., 1980: Collection and field preservation of biological materials. Pp. 537-551 in: Wildlife Management Techniques Manual, 4th edition, S. D. Schemnitz (ed.), The Wildlife Society, Washington, D.C.   ISBN: 0-933564-08-2.

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