
This page needs an update. Sorry!! We all lack time this year and therefore focus on data necessary for the animals first.


Thanks for all help and data provided for the loris and potto conservation database by coauthors and friends! The loris conservation project at Ruhr-University was started in 1979 by Bernhard Meier, supported by Holger Preuschoft, Ruhr-University, Department for Functional Morphology. Work for the present database under constructio would have been impossible without the support of Karl-Ludwig and Lore Schulze who provided computer equipment and financial support. Diana Pöppelmann, Birgit Grütering, Stefanie Frank, Torsten Milinski, Dominica Zydek and others helped and partly still help to care for the slender lorises of the colony at Ruhr-University. K. Anna I. Nekaris is an active coauthor and contributes actual field data about slender loris behaviour, distribution, taxonomy and conservation. Helena Fitch-Snyder and coworkers of San Diego Zoo (Lena Larsson, Karen Worley and others) and veterinarian Ulrike Streicher from the Endangered Primate Rescue Center cooperate in compiling data. Kaberi Kar Gupta (India) sent literature. Annette Zitzmann and Frank Wiens contributed field experience, literature and unpublished data. P. M. Goonan sent behavioural and health information. Coworkers of zoos and breeding facilities, for instance Ruediger Dmoch (Frankfurt Zoo), Karl-Heinz  Schweigert, Helene Ribjer and Sophie Verner-Carlsson (Skansen-Akvariet), Carol Sodaro and the veterinarian staff of Brookfield Zoo and animal keepers of several zoos helped with information and discussion. Prof. Eberhard Curio, Conservation Biology Unit, Ruhr-University Bochum, helps with advice and literature. G. Moritzen and Dr. D. Roeßler (University Library Bochum) helped with literature search in online data bases. B. Meier and H.-U. Hoffmann and coworkers of the German Primate Center, particularly the librarian, provided information and provided literature. The work was encouraged and supported by Gerald A. Doyle, Lon Alterman and M. Kay Izard (editors of "Creatures of the Dark"). Robin Crompton (Folia Primatologica) and Fiona Anne Fisken (International Zoo Yearbook) helped to improve and publish first data.

I apologize to anybody not mentioned here in spite of deserving it!

More complete record of contributions: see references of chapters.

Coautors, contributions, help for chapters:

Disease database

Dr. Roland Plesker (Paul-Ehrlich-Institute) revised and improved the health database, helps with advise, literature and postmortem examinations. Data from Helena Fitch-Snyder and coworkers of San Diego Zoo (Meg Sutherland-Smith and Ilse Stalis), published in the Asian loris husbandry manual, led to a considerable improvement of information. Observations and postmortem reports were sent by coworkers of zoos and institutions participating in breeding of slender lorises, for instance from Karl-Heinz  Schweigert, Helene Ribjer and Sophie Verner-Carlsson (Skansen-Akvariet), Carol Sodaro and the veterinarian staff of Brookfield Zoo and others. Dr. J. Leidinger, Ruhr-University, helped with post-mortem examination. Dr. Vohleitner sent information about medicine. Prof. Krüger (Veterinarian Academy Leipzig) and veterinarian student Kathrin Petry provide support, particularly with regard to intestinal flora. P. M. Goonan sent Loris health data. The veterinarian Dr. Bittner cared for the slender loris colony at Ruhr-University for many years with treatment and advice. Veterinarian Dr. Hartmann helped with knowledge about dysbacteriosis and other diseases in primates. Dr. Baars, Prof. Mehlhorn, Prof. Werchau (Ruhr-University Bochum) and Dr. Müller (LaboKlin) made microbial analyses of faeces; Prof. Mehlhorn in addition provided literature about parasites. Prof. Schaub (Ruhr-University Bochum) provided information and practical support in the question of taking blood samples with the help of laboratory-bred tropical bugs.

Captive care and handrearing Helena Fitch-Snyder, Lena Larsen and other coworkers of San Diego Zoo and other zoos (see also: Fitch-Snyder, H.; Schulze, H.; Larson, L. et al., in press: Management of Lorises in captivity) developed a husbandry manual for Asian lorises parts of which are quoted here. Cooperating breeders and zoos contributed important data. The veterinarian Dr. Ellinger and family sent handrearing data from confiscated animals.

Distribution maps
Anna Nekaris contributes data from field studies and provides new literature and other information. Helena Fitch-Snyder, Lena Larsen and other coworkers of San Diego Zoo (see also: Fitch-Snyder, H.; Schulze, H.; Larson, L. et al., in press: Management of Lorises in captivity) contributed literature references and locality information. Mewa Singh helped with distribution information. Bernhard Meier contributed considerable amounts of literature and unpublished information from a survey. Frank Wiens and Annette Zitzmann helped with distribution data from field studies. Ardith Eudey, Asian section of Primate Specialist Group, Species Survival Commission, IUCN, sent information and addresses. John Oates, African section of Primate Specialist Group, Species Survival Commission, IUCN sent information about changes of potto taxonomy. Rüdiger Dmoch, Zoo Frankfurt provided literature, information about Sri Lankan lorises and origin of captive zoo animals. Rüdiger Lippe provided information about the origin of captive specimens, Radoslaw Ratajszczak, Poznan Zoo, identified localities as trade origin. Eberhard Curio, Conservation Biology Unit, Ruhr-University Bochum, and Holger Preuschoft, Ruhr-University Bochum provide literature. Ulrike Streicher, Cuc Phuong Primate Rescue Center, presently collects data. Coworkers of the University library Bochum (G. Moritzen, G. Roessler, G. Sander and others) helped with literature search and acquisition.

Taxonomy, population data: K. Anna I. Nekaris contributes field data about slender lorises. S. and L. Cieciura, Ch. and V. Keß, J. Zimmerer and others provided data and figures from the native countries of the animals. Ellingers sent photos of infant N. c. bengalensis and N. pygmaeus. H. Fitch-Snyder sent information about slow loris localities. M. Gaulke sent photos of a Philippine slow loris from Tawitawi. Annette Zitzmann and Frank Wiens contributed measurements, weight data and photos of N. coucang coucang from Malaysia. G. Anzenberger and R. Spira provided data and photos of N. pygmaeus. Prof. Rumpler helped to improve parts of the first draft of the population database. Ch. Roos is working on loris taxonomy, results are supposed to be included in the future. Renate Herrenbrueck (Haar-Studio im Uni-Center), Gerd Luenskens (hair dressers equipment "Cash & Carry"and Haar Stens, Bochum, Germany, donated hair samples with different colours for development of a hair colour table for loris description.

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Conservation database for lorises (Loris, Nycticebus) and pottos (Arctocebus, Perodicticus), prosimian primates
Last amendment: 12. December 2004

Home Rescue Centers
Taxonomy, populations
Identification key Distribution maps Database for genera, species & populations
Info for field studies & wild population surveys Reintroduction to the wild Captive care &
conservation breeding
Diseases of lorises and pottos Behaviour General Info