Chapter Index

Behaviour indicating psychic wellbeing and absence of distress in Loris

a, b: Lying on a branch, upside down, in connection with stretching, rubbing of the back or arm pit (a), wiggling or play behaviour (b), often occurs when needs have been satisfied (for instance after feeding or copulation) and seems to indicate wellbeing.
c, d: Body wiggling (lateral wiggling and bending of the trunk) and open-mouth play face (b, g) indicates playful mood. e: young male hanging attached with only one foot, playfully moving about the other one while examining an unfamiliar object. Playful clutching with the typical prey-catching movement, often exaggerated (b, c, d, f), is the most frequent play behaviour. It may be directed towards small objects or sometimes to hands or feet of conspecifics. Playwrestling (g, h) and social grooming with relaxed postures (i) indicate good social relations and absence of distress

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