Chapter Index

Loris and potto care: preventive measures and examinations recommended

Daily / regularly during normal care:

Control for bite wounds or changes of the skin 15.
Visual control of the nutritional state, see figures for weight judgement in N. pygmaeus and Loris (for prevention of obesity, detection of weight loss) 61.
Availability of some hard food cleaning the teeth (see table 4, organ lesions)
Paraffin oil (Ribjer, pers. comm.) or special substances such as Miturat catlax for cats, added to the food at regular intervals, may diminish the danger of development of trichobezoars = hairballs in the intestine.
Occasionally, at longer intervals:
Urine dipstick tests for symptoms of diabetes and kidney disease with dipsticks for humans (urine can easily be collected on a plastic foil spread on the cage floor) 15.
Routine weighing 61.
Routine fecal exams, biannually 61.
Careful oral and dental examination each time a loris is examined because dental disease may lead to disseminated bacterial infection and secondary disease 61.
Once per year:
Tuberculin testing (upper eyelid, using mammalian old tuberculin, 0.1 cc intradermal) 61.
Complete blood count (CBC) 61.
Chemistry panel 61.
Rectal culture 61.

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